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Tag: Casa Marcegaglia

Casa Marcegaglia

studiochiesa 20 March, 2024 701 No Comments


Casa Marcegaglia is a permanent museum located on a 1,300 square meter space in the Group’s headquarters in Gazoldo degli Ippoliti. The goal is to retrace the story of its founder, Steno Marcegaglia, and the company in all the periods of its evolution through a dynamic and emotional narrative. A space to celebrate th

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Il gruppo Marcegaglia compie 60 anni

studiochiesa 3 July, 2019 4747 No Comments


The “TG3 Lombardia” news service about the presentation of Casa Marcegaglia, held in Gazoldo degli Ippoliti on Tuesday 18 June 2019. Il servizio del TG3 Lombardia sulla presentazione di Casa Marcegaglia, tenutasi a Gazoldo degli Ippoliti martedì 18 giugno 2019.

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Presentato il progetto “Casa Marcegaglia”

studiochiesa 19 June, 2019 4085 No Comments


The project that will be the heart of the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the company’s foundation has been presented to the authorities and the press: its name is Casa Marcegaglia. È stato presentato alle autorità e alla stampa il progetto che costituirà il cuore delle celebrazioni per il 60° annive

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60° di fondazione dell’Azienda: il teaser di Casa Marcegaglia

studiochiesa 27 May, 2019 4309 No Comments


Academy, exhibition, environment, celebration, energy, park, history: these are the key words of the teaser that reveals the birth of Casa Marcegaglia, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Company’s foundation. As explained by Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia, it will be “a story with document

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