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Tag: energy

Marcegaglia Energy Efficiency 2020

studiochiesa 20 October, 2020 3592 No Comments


Cogeneration plants in Ravenna and Gazoldo degli Ippoliti: the energy and production benefits explained by Engineer Francesco Bragagni, Energy Manager of Marcegaglia Ravenna, at “It’s all energy efficiency”, the Brainz event on the main innovations for energy saving. Impianti di cogenerazione a Ravenn

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60° di fondazione dell’Azienda: il teaser di Casa Marcegaglia

studiochiesa 27 May, 2019 4465 No Comments


Academy, exhibition, environment, celebration, energy, park, history: these are the key words of the teaser that reveals the birth of Casa Marcegaglia, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Company’s foundation. As explained by Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia, it will be “a story with document

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