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Tag: innovA

L’Industria 4.0 raccontata da Antonio Marcegaglia

studiochiesa 24 September, 2018 2636 No Comments


During innovA, the convention of innovation for the steel industry, held in Brescia from 20 to 22 September 2018, the Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia explained the main applications of Industry 4.0 in the Company: a system for measuring the mechanical and technical characteristics of materials, intelligent and aut

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Antonio Marcegaglia a innovA: interessati ad Ast Terni

studiochiesa 24 September, 2018 2794 No Comments


During innovA, the convention of innovation for the steel industry, held in Brescia from 20 to 22 September 2018, the Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia has officially declared the Company’s interest in acquiring Ast Terni in the event that ThyssenKrupp decides to sell it. Nel corso di innovA, la convention del

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Antonio Marcegaglia annuncia il progetto “Marcegaglia Academy”

studiochiesa 24 September, 2018 4090 No Comments


During innovA, the convention of innovation for the steel industry, held in Brescia from 20 to 22 September 2018, the Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia expressed his intention to create a “Marcegaglia Academy” dedicated to the continuous training of employees and new hires, able to develop new activities

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