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Tag: Marcegaglia Ravenna

Marcegaglia Energy Efficiency 2020

studiochiesa 20 October, 2020 3467 No Comments


Cogeneration plants in Ravenna and Gazoldo degli Ippoliti: the energy and production benefits explained by Engineer Francesco Bragagni, Energy Manager of Marcegaglia Ravenna, at “It’s all energy efficiency”, the Brainz event on the main innovations for energy saving. Impianti di cogenerazione a Ravenn

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Ravenna: the largest steel-working plant of the Marcegaglia group

studiochiesa 30 September, 2020 5479 No Comments


The Marcegaglia group has built its largest steel-working plant in Ravenna, equipped with cutting-edge plant facilities and state-of-the-art manufacturing technology, in addition to the largest intermodal and logistics hub for all of the industrial and commercial operations in the production chain. The plant has a surf

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Ravenna: il più grande stabilimento metallurgico del gruppo Marcegaglia

studiochiesa 30 September, 2020 7082 No Comments


Il gruppo Marcegaglia ha realizzato a Ravenna il suo più grande stabilimento metallurgico, dotato delle più moderne strutture impiantistiche e delle più avanzate tecnologie produttive, oltre che il più importante polo logistico e intermodale per tutte le attività industriali e commerciali della sua filiera produtt

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Marcegaglia tra i vincitori del 2020 Global Awards for Steel Excellence

studiochiesa 27 July, 2020 4601 No Comments


On the occasion of the “2020 Global Awards for Steel Excellence” sponsored by Fastmarkets, Marcegaglia Ravenna presented itself with five applications in three different categories, thanks to two innovative projects: Tensil Pro and Smart Line. The award ceremony took place on 24 July, in connection from New

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