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Tag: storia

60° di fondazione dell’Azienda: il teaser di Casa Marcegaglia

studiochiesa 27 May, 2019 4310 No Comments


Academy, exhibition, environment, celebration, energy, park, history: these are the key words of the teaser that reveals the birth of Casa Marcegaglia, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Company’s foundation. As explained by Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia, it will be “a story with document

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Steno Marcegaglia “A Steel-made Engineer”

studiochiesa 8 September, 2012 6369 No Comments


Steno Marcegaglia awarded by Polytechnic of Milan with Honorary Degree in Materials Engineering, in 2002. Steno Marcegaglia insignito dal Politecnico di Milano della Laurea Honoris Causa in Ingegneria dei Materiali, nel 2002.

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