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Tag: Tube 2012

Made Expo 2023

studiochiesa 21 November, 2023 5318 No Comments


Marcegaglia once again cemented its position as a leading player in the Made Expo 2023, thanks to a vibrant exhibition space that has been the agora of many business meetings and appointments. The highlight of the event was the launch of “Cromatica”, the innovative high-tech solution which allows to print c

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Blechexpo 2023 Stuttgart

studiochiesa 14 November, 2023 5235 No Comments


Marcegaglia at Blechexpo 2023, the main event for the sheet metal world (7-10th November, 2023). Marcegaglia a Blechexpo 2023, la più grande fiera delle lamiere (7-10 novembre 2023).

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EuroBLECH 2022 Hannover

studiochiesa 27 October, 2022 5062 No Comments


Marcegaglia at EuroBLECH 2022, the main event for the sheet metal world (25-28th October, 2022). Marcegaglia a EuroBLECH 2022, la più grande fiera delle lamiere (25-28 ottobre 2022).

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Tube 2022 Düsseldorf

studiochiesa 24 June, 2022 5156 No Comments


Marcegaglia at Tube 2022, the world’s number one fair for the steel industry (20-24th June, 2022). Marcegaglia a Tube 2022, la fiera numero uno al mondo per il settore dell’acciaio (20-24 giugno 2022).

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Made in Steel 2021

studiochiesa 8 October, 2021 4656 No Comments


Marcegaglia at Made in Steel 2021, the most important exhibition event in Southern Europe dedicated to the steel community. Marcegaglia a Made in Steel 2021, il più importante evento fieristico del Sud Europa dedicato alla community dell’acciaio.

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The stainless tube leader comes to Russia: the new processing centre in Vladimir

studiochiesa 2 April, 2012 1970 No Comments


The speech by Marco Redeghieri, Marcegaglia Russia, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Marco Redeghieri, Marcegaglia Russia, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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Driving the change: stainless growth worldwide and strategic integration

studiochiesa 2 April, 2012 2612 No Comments


The speech by Egidio Bini, Marcegaglia stainless steel division, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Egidio Bini, Marcegaglia stainless steel division, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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Marcegaglia integrated quality system: best practices and developments

studiochiesa 2 April, 2012 1827 No Comments


The speech by Luciano Venturini, Marcegaglia quality department, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Luciano Venturini, Marcegaglia quality department, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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Emerging markets and new challenges for tube specialties in the Americas

studiochiesa 2 April, 2012 1540 No Comments


The speech by Luiz Daury, Marcegaglia do Brasil, and Dave Cornelius, Marcegaglia USA, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Luiz Daury, Marcegaglia do Brasil, e Dave Cornelius, Marcegaglia USA, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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Slitting excellence. Tailor-made narrow strips for added-value sectors.

studiochiesa 2 April, 2012 1998 No Comments


The speech by Lorenzo Biagi, Marcegaglia strip division, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Lorenzo Biagi, Marcegaglia strip division, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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