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Tag: Festival dell’Industria e dei Valori d’Impresa

Open day Ravenna: intervista ad Aldo Fiorini

studiochiesa 24 July, 2015 3793 No Comments


Aldo Fiorini, General Manager of the Marcegaglia plant in Ravenna, interviewed on the occasion of the company’s open day for the 1st Festival of Industry and Business Values, promoted by Confindustria Ravenna to celebrate the Association’s 70th Anniversary. Aldo Fiorini, Direttore Generale dello stabiliment

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Open day Ravenna: intervista ad Antonio Marcegaglia

erectaat 20 July, 2015 2910 No Comments


Antonio Marcegaglia interviewed on the occasion of the company’s open day for the 1st Festival of Industry and Business Values, promoted by Confindustria Ravenna to celebrate the Association’s 70th Anniversary. Antonio Marcegaglia intervistato in occasione dell’open day aziendale per il 1° Festival d

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